
Mallaig and North - West Fishermen's Association

Neil Robertson Associates

Funded by

The European Fisheries Fund Investing in Sustainable Fisheries

The Scottish Government

Mallaig and North - West Fishermen's Association

Scottish Langoustine Trawler off the west coast

Sustainable Fishing

We commit to only sourcing Scottish langoustines that are responsibly and sustainably harvested; thereby ensuring the viability of Scotland's commercial langoustine fishery for generations to come.

The International Council for the Exploration of the Seas (ICES) co-ordinates and promotes marine research on oceanography, the marine ecosystem, and on living resources in the north Atlantic. All EU Common Fisheries Policy species quota management is governed by ICES stock assessment and guidance and advice on 'best practice'.

In turn, Marine Scotland Science is the monitor of the health and sustainability of Scotland's fish and shellfish stocks and their on-going forensic stock assessment of the Scottish langoustines biomass within local fisheries predetermine the amount of commercial fishing activity at a local level. At no time in the past have Scottish langoustine been harvested to their maximum allowable quota, nor do we anticipate current commercial fishing activity to remotely approach the limits set by ICES or Marine Scotland Science.

Only the prime quality of Scottish langoustine are harvested on our behalf and to maintain this emphasis on quality we are in constant communication with skippers to seek ways to further enhance the quality of langoustines that arrive on the consumers plate, and in so doing, to listen and act upon their local knowledge and experience of both current and foreseeable langoustine stock assessment.

Scottish Langoustine